Enjoy motherhood, one moment at a time!

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Thanks for visiting my blog! I’m Lisanne.

I’m a first time mom living in SoCal with my husband and baby boy! I love to binge watch shows, cook new cuisines, and go on spontaneous adventures.

I had my son in the Summer of 2020. Being pregnant and becoming a mother during a global pandemic was quite the ride. Working from home, having a virtual baby shower, going to prenatal visits alone, giving birth with only my husband by my side, and unexpectedly becoming a stay at home mom were a few of the highlights. Above all, the year 2020 is truly special to me because it gave me my son Declan. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have such an active roll in raising him!

Motherhood has been a huge adjustment. It isn’t easy! I grew up hearing the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” and after becoming a mother, I’ve learned just how true that statement is! Through this blog I hope to share advice I learn along the way so we can figure it out together. I believe that with the right mindset to take care of ourselves and lower our stress, we can be the best versions of ourselves for our children.

I hope you enjoy following along in my journey!